Membership of the Group is open to any person interested in speleology, who concurs with the aims and objectives of the Group.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n
By joining HCG you also become a member of the Australian Speleological Federation (ASF). As a Corporate member of ASF, HCG has a say in national and Federation caving matters through its Council meetings.<\/p>\n
Full Membership is open to those who, in addition to the basic requirements above:-<\/p>\n
Nominations to membership, shall be decided by majority vote of a General Meeting<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n
As responsible cavers, members must abide by the ASF and HCG’s codes of conduct and ethics. After you have joined HCG, you can also tag onto other club trips once you are trained and get to know them.<\/p>\n
HCG meets monthly (2nd Tues of month) and holds its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in March. At the AGM, members elect its Executives to run the day to day business of the club.<\/p>\n
HCG is also a member of the New South Wales Speleological Council where it has voting rights on State matters through its elected representative.<\/p>\n
In between all this, we go caving!<\/p>\n
The HCG membership costs and benefits are as follows:<\/p>\n